Monday, January 28, 2008

Adjudication Core for All Asians

Dear All,

I, Sarajit Baral, Chief Adjudicator of "15th All Asian Inter-VarsityDebating Championship" , take immense pleasure to announce that NSUAll Asians has appointed the remaining members of its adjudicationteam.

Jason Jarvis (South Korea), Adiba Shareen (Malaysia),Siddharth Chauhan (India) and Jess Lopez (Phillipine) have agreed tojoin the team as Deputy Chief Adjudicators. We have also appointedSinha Ibna Humayun as the Assistant to Chief Adjudicator for theteam.

Besides that, Alfred Snider (USA) has already agreed to share hissheer knowledge and experience in our tournament as the TabDirector.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of thosewho applied for the DCA position.

NSU for years have contributed in the development and enrichment of Debate and intellectual argumentation in Bangladesh and South Asia. I hope with the current Adjudication Core we will able to ensure aquality adjudication in the tournament.

Looking forward to see you in the Tournament.
Thanks & Regards
Sarajit Baral
NSU All Asians

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the adjudication core is excellent, and i would like to exploit some space just to inform that UT Mara will be hosting the International Humanitarian Law Debate and if there's any queries, please don't hesitate to forward them to.... or call me directly +60123291604....
I would like to apologize for any queries recently as the committee have been busy with exams...